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all 4 projects. 4 places. one great audience

PLACE / Essoldo Cinema is of great importance for the people of Stretford. Its territory works as a meeting point for two main roads (Chester Rd, Edge Lane) and with the help of the Public Hall forms the area’s social core.


PEOPLE / Ðœain aim for me is to design a place suitable for all ages within the community, which will gather generations and answer their needs. Creating a social environment is an initial trigger for my developing project proposal.


PROJECT / Inspired by the cinema’s initial usage, I want to design a modern extension to the memorable building and, at the same time, to represent the bond between old and new /adults and children/.

PLACE / Stretford Public Hall - a listed building which tells the historical story of the town. It is not currently used to its full potential, by designing a new adjacent building I aim to create a contrast between old and new and revitalize the complex into a new social hub.

PEOPLE / I am to create a social hub which will encourage interaction between citizens that belong to different age and social groups. This will create a cultural exchange, strengthen the existing bonds between people and create new ones. â€‹


PROJECT / Physical and mental wellbeing

are essential for a high quality of life. I aim to create an extension to the town hall which will host a programme that includes group activities - cultural and physical, creating a more bonded community. 

PLACE / The Bridgewater Canal runs right through Stretford, yet it does not seem to have any Impact on the town or even to be noticed at all. The canal and the spaces next to the Essoldo Cinema have great potential of being developed into a new social community centre.

PEOPLE / People in Stretford feel the sense of community in their town but they don't feel like there is a real space for this. My project aims for everyone to have a space to meet and spend leisure time, whether it's in a group or as an individual.


PROJECT / Moving for analysis of both town and town's people my project will be a space situated next to and on the canal while incorporating the Essoldo cinema in a different way that it has been used so far.

PEOPLE / There will be no limits or requirements. No social boundaries that will loosen up the community connection between one another. I want to design a place which gives new opportunities and activities that will benefit everyone.


PROJECT / Designing an extension to Essoldo by combining film studio and publishing house, for which the differences have always been used as the moving force, not only can involve all people from the community, but also it can contribute for the old cinema reopening.

PLACE / The canal feels more like a border for Stretford, Essoldo cinema is closed but desired by many to be soon reopened and the Public Hall is not used to its absolute potential. By choosing the plot shown below, I aim to bring all this to life and create the missing Stretford’s city centre.


/hover over the plan views/ follow the 4 colors for information about each individual project/

Zoom in and out this huge drawing! The areas highlighted in blue include conclusions drawn after the community event.

Each one of us put forward a different interpretation of the information discovered from the citizens, the 4 individual strategies are diagrammed with 4 different colors. You can read more about the places, people and projects below. Follow our further design development on each personal website. 

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